Thursday 8 August 2013

Clearlight Acne

Developed by CureLight Ltd.. in the year 2002 ClearLightTM is an FDA-approved, non-invasive, non-systemic clearlight acne, drugless and painless technology for the treatment of moderate-level inflammatory acne. It is based on the innovative idea of ​​Acne Photo Clearing (APC), ie, clearing of acne using a special light beam - a high-intensity, narrow-band (wavelength 405-425 nm), clearlight acne non-coherent (Unlike laser beam) therapeutic light beam in the blue-violet ranks of the visible light spectrum. ClearLight The beam penetrates the skin tissue just deep enough to target and destroy the inflammatory-acne-producing bacteria (P. acnes), without damaging the surrounding tissue and skin clearlight acne.
ClearLightTM is a very effective alternative to the traditional methods of treating In acne and in 80% of the people has-been found to clear 60-70% of inflammatory acne lesions and blemishes Within 4 weeks clearlight acne. Especially, if you are the kind who does not take well to antibiotics, due to the unpleasant side effects of acne-specific antibiotics (eg, tetracycline) Produce or if your acne HAS not been Responding well to antibiotics, then the technology is ClearLightTM for you clearlight acne. It EST Aussie highly recommended if your skin is a sensitive type and topical medications because excessive irritation, redness and peeling.
More About ClearLightTM
Now you must be curious to know what exactly Does ClearLightTM Involve, how long Does EACH last session,clearlight acne Whether you are going to feel any pain or Whether there are any side effects of the treatment. Well, the treatment is very simple and patient-friendly. All you need to do is lie down comfortably on a bed in your dermatologist's clinic, with your eyes covered with protective eyewear, while the light from ClearLightTM Does its job. You May even keep on listening to your favorite music falling on the treatment,clearlight acne All which lasts for only 15-20 minutes.
Before illuminating the face with the therapeutic light from ClearLightTM, it is thoroughly cleansed to remove all traces of make up. The area to be Treated is then illuminated with the therapeutic light for about 15-20 minutes,clearlight acne falling on All which the only sensation you might sometimes experience is of slight warmth. The technology is suitable for treating In other areas of the body as well, eg, neck, shoulders, chest and back.
After the treatment,clearlight acne you can straightaway go back to your routine activities and May even wear your makeup. The only thing That Would Be able to others notice about you is the clearing of the skin - Otherwise, no post-treatment redness and peeling skin That comes with topical medications,clearlight acne required no extra protection from sun exposure, no side effects whatsoever. And ClearLightTM eight sessions spread over a period of 4 weeks is required for All That Is MOST patients to clear 70% of lesions and blemishes. That sounds great!
The only limitation of the technology is ClearLightTM That It cannot treat severe forms of acne like cystic acne, nodular acne and comedowns (blackheads and whiteheads), it is suitable only for moderate inflammatory forms of acne That Are Caused by P. acnes bacteria clearlight acne.


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